Brightsites allows for customized microsites to be managed within a single system. Each microsite requires a unique integration with separate URL and API keys. Review the Brightsites - API Access for instructions on obtaining the API permissions for each site.

Brightsites limits the number of calls that an be made against their site on a monthly basis. Calls in excess of their limit are not blocked, but are then charged per call. Notifications should be setup to warn of high usage. This limitation also reduces how frequently the WarehouseOS integration can call against their site.

Items Integration

Items in Brightsites provide an extremely flexible pattern on how to create SKU values. A main product can be setup and variations of that product setup with sizes, colors, or additional attributes. SKU values are automatically generated for each variation with a customized separator and per-attribute value. The customized separator value is not provided in the Order Details. If these details are not standardized and kept the same on all items within the same microsite, it is difficult to make sure the Item Download matches the Order Download. If a standardization can be kept, Items and their Attributes will download to the warehouse.

Order Management

Order Download

The Brightsites API provides a small list of Order Attributes, but does not provide a list of Order Lines as part of that request. As a result, the Brightsites integration has to loop through each Order to get all of the Order details so they can be downloaded to the warehouse. This structure to the API will only be noticed in high-volume situations because checking Order Details one Order at a time can slow down the process to get the Orders through the integration.

Orders are queried out of Brightsites based on an updated date. The updated date allows the Order to be re-sent by updating the Order in Brightsites.

The Order Details don't provide everything needed to accurately recreate the SKU value. The "final SKU" value provided with the Order Lines doesn't indicate if that is a higher-level product SKU or an individual variant SKU. Standardization within a Brightsites microsite is required to make sure this follows a predictable pattern.


After an Order is Picked in WarehouseOS, the picked details are pushed back to Brightsites to create a shipment. This can happen at the time of Picking or Packing. WarehouseOS recommends performing this operation at Packing. If an integration between WarehouseOS and a Shipping system is setup, tracking details will be gathered so that the Shipment created in Brightsites includes those details.

Shipments are created by picked line. This allows short-picked items to be reported back to Brightsites and remain open until they can be resolved.

Access to a Brightsites store is provided through an API token to the specific store.

WarehouseOS will need the following details to complete the integration:

  • Brightsites Subdomain (from the Sites page)
  • Brightsites API Token
  • WOS Client Name (if using the Client Module in relation to this integration)


Brightsites is authenticated with an API token.  Follow the details below to provide access to the API and generate the necessary token.

  1. Open Sites in the side panel.
  2. In the list of stores, find the correct store and open the Admin site.
  3. Go to Features, open Add-Ons, and enable API under the Basic Store section.
  4. You must approve the additional costs. These costs seem to be combined across all sites, not as a per/individual site basis.
  5. Click the option to Set Up Now.
  6. Click on New API Token.
  7. Leave the expiration date blank, or this will need to be renewed when the expiration date comes.
  8. Set the API Permissions.

  9. Copy the API Token and provide that for the integration.