WOS Fulfillment is a new iOS App that will eventually replace the current WMS Fusion app. This update allows for WarehouseOS to utilize the newest that iOS has to offer.

Why the Update

As the new Replenishment app was being designed, there were clear limitations using the code-base for the current app which is almost 10 years old. Certain features and ideas that we wanted to implement became difficult or impossible. Instead of just trying to make it work, a new App allows WarehouseOS to take full advantage of the newest that iOS has to offer. Because the roadmap for WarehouseOS included new features and updates to many of our existing processes, it started to make sense to write Replenishment into a new app. Several back-end improvements were required before progress on this new direction could become a main effort. Over the next 18 months as new features are added, processes will be revamped and written into the new WOS fulfillment app. Over time WMS Fusion will have less functionality and will eventually be fully deprecated.

See the list at the end of this article for details on the processes available in WOS Fulfillment.

Parallel Apps

For the Users, this means a period of time where two apps will be operational within the Warehouse. Both apps should operate on the same device and will be able to have distinct functionality. For example, Replenishment and Inventory Management can be done in the WOS Fulfillment while Picking is done in WMS Fusion. As new processes are released, we encourage our customers to turn off that functionality in WMS Fusion and have their team shift to WOS Fulfillment.

Note: Apps are enabled or disabled in Group settings for both WMS Fusion and WOS Fulfillment.

To enable new processes in WOS Fulfillment, edit the User Groups to enable each specific process.
To disable processes in the older WMS Fusion, edit the Groups and disable those apps so they are no longer displayed and available.

Both WOS Fulfillment and WMS Fusion can be licensed on the same device simultaneously. When setting up WOS Fulfillment, it will require a new setup as if its a new device. This is to ensure that as the old app, WMS Fusion, is phased out that WOS Fulfillment can stand on its own with licensing and registration against the back-end software. While we recognize that jumping between apps might cause some hiccups, our hope is that it's a minimal disruption while we work on an improved experience in the long-run.

iOS Requirement

Apple regularly requires advancement of a minimum requirement of the version of iOS for all apps in the App Store. As new functionality is being developed for WOS Fulfilment, this minimum requirement is being pushed forward so that WarehouseOS can take advantage of the latest that Apple has to offer.

The final minimum requirement has not yet been determined. Currently, the WOS Fulfilment app requires iOS 17 or later. iPads that can't be updated to this minimum requirement will need to be replaced or made to focus on functionality that can be done in WMS Fusion. Eventually (within 18 months) all functionality will be moved to WOS Fulfillment and all iPads must be able to meet the minimum requirement.

This page provides a table that shows devices compatible with each version of iOS. WarehouseOS recommends always buying the newest version of the standard iPad. But the table on this page can be helpful in determining what can work with the latest iOS requirement.

App Setup

To download the app, search in the App Store for WOS Fulfillment or scan the QR code below. 

Usually, WOS Fulfillment is installed on a device that is already setup for WOS. The easiest approach is to scan the Quick Setup QR code associated to the device that is already setup.

  1. Go to Maint => Devices
  2. Click the link on the Device being setup
  3. Use the Quick Setup option in the WOS Fulfillment app
  4. Scan the QR code on the Device Edit page in WOS.
  5. Log in to the WOS Fulfillment app to finish connecting the app

If WOS fulfillment is being installed on a new device where WMS Fusion is not already installed, the setup steps found in Add New Device - Quick Setup can be followed to setup and assign a new device to the WOS system.

Note: When using WMS Fusion and WOS Fulfillment on the same device, the Device Name needs to be setup as the exact same for both apps on the same device. As long as the two apps use the same device name, additional licenses are not required. If they are setup with different names, a separate license for each app will be required.

The Device Name is case sensitive and must be the same. Ipad1 and iPad1 will create 2 different devices in the system and each will require a separate license.


The WarehouseOS Team highly recommends that the WOS Fulfillment app be set to auto-update in the Apple App Store.

Updates to the app might come frequently as new features are pushed or issues in a beta release are fixed. To avoid errors logging in because the app is incompatible with back-end fixes, auto-updates can ensure the app stays up to date as new releases are made available.

The Auto-Update setting doesn't seem to be set for each app, but is instead part of the general system settings. As we've pushed updates out, even our own team has experienced some delays in those auto-updates being downloaded to the iPad. If you run into errors logging into WOS Fulfillment, check if there is a pending update that hasn't been applied.

New Features

The development of the new app is ongoing. New processes and functionality will be released as they are developed. The list below will be updated to show current functionality available in the new app.

Most apps and functionality are hidden by default. Please check the User Group settings to enable each process.

  • User Groups settings

    • New group settings specific to the WOS Fulfillment app
    • Settings will be revised and separated to allow for more control of app functionality
      • In some cases settings may be combined to improve clarity
  • Home Page

    • Functional Grouping of the apps that the User Group has permission to see
    • General Search replaces the "View" function in Manage Inventory and provides more than just views of inventory
      • Search for Locations, Items, Orders, or Carts from the Search on the Home Page
    • A User Management area allows a User Avatar to be uploaded from the app and a space for future development of User Settings or notifications
  • Replenishment

    • 2-step process to replenish inventory from backstock to pick face
    • Step 1 completes Work Queue tasks to pick inventory out of Backstock locations. Inventory is moved to a Replenish location while it waits for step 2.
      • View and assign backstock locations from within the app
      • Perform several picks at once and commit them all when ready to move the inventory
    • Step 2 works against existing inventory in a Replenish location. Inventory is listed like a task list that is then Put into a location to complete the replenishment process
  • Manage Inventory

    • Expand the item's image and description for an easier view
    • Search by the item description or item number to identify items that don't have a barcode to be scanned
    • Optional touch allows specific inventory records to be selected from a list instead of requiring a scanned input for each step
    • Quantity can be entered with a scan-each option instead of requiring the total quantity be typed.
    • Lot Number will be assumed on inventory transactions when there is only 1 lot in the location. But handling situations with multiple lots is enabled, though still discouraged.
    • Location Move has been renamed Bulk Move to prepare for future updates regarding movement of LPNs
    • Enter an open-ended note that will be logged in the History Log for the transaction
  • Packing

    • Documents ready to print are visible and more easily managed. This adds the ability to identify if printing failed because documents weren't yet created or if other errors happened.
    • Automatic completion of short-picked lines. The packer needs to see lines that were short-picked, giving them a complete view of the order to know if it's ok to proceed. But the short-picked lines can be automatically completed instead of requiring the absence of each item not picked be verified.
    • Improved ability on box selection. Set a sort value to place most-used boxes at the top of the list. Scan a box UPC to make the selection instead of requiring a tap on the iPad. Require a box selection before the packer can close the box and move on. Set custom box sizes at time of packing instead of requiring a pre-defined list.
    • Swipe to record picking errors. If the packer runs into issues with items that were picked, errors can be recorded so that reports can be run on how often packers are running into issues.
    • Better automation on closing orders. A common support request is around boxes left open that keep the order from being marked as Packed. More options in the new app will resolve many of these common problems.
    • Scan History shows the last 10 scans and pop-out on the item to show Aliases to help troubleshoot issues
    • Auto-advance to next order in cart by scanning a compartment. If Auto-Close is enabled, the box will auto close and complete the order before advancing to the next order.
    • Rapid-Scan feature enables a fast input when scan-each is enabled.