Manage Inventory is a simple way of moving inventory in and out of storage without necessarily having to track inventory quantity.

The Manage Inventory app helps the User decide where best to store inventory or where to pick inventory from by listing the current locations for a specific item.

Manage Inventory Functions

The functions are described below:

Pull - Pull Items out of a Location. Inventory is deleted. Is reported to Host via API trigger if configured.

Put - Put Items into a Location. Inventory is created and will be reported to Host via API trigger if configured.

Move - Pull Items out of a Location and Put the product into another Location. Is reported to Host via API trigger if configured.

Bulk Move - Pull all Items out of a single Location and move them to a new Location. This function skips the need to scan everything in the Location.

Set Home Location - Set the Home Location for an Item. 



The Pull, Put, Move, and Bulk Move functions all have the same operational flow. To start any Manage Inventory operation, you must first scan either an Item or a Location.

If an Item is scanned, the screen will display all Locations where the Item currently resides. These Locations can be sorted by tapping the "None" button. Locations can be sorted by:

  • Location
  • Item
  • Zone
  • Lot
  • Quantity

When a particular field is chosen as what to sort by, the sort can be toggled between ascending and descending by tapping the field, which will have an "^" appear next to it. 

Each Location’s icon represents its Location type:

  • Home Location – Green house icon
  • Dedicated Locations – Gray house icon
  • All others – Pallet icon



Scan/touch the Location to Put the product. Enter the quantity of product to Put and touch the <OK> button to complete the operation. Inventory is now created.

If a Location is scanned first, the content of the specified Location is listed. The operation is the same, scan the Item, enter the quantity, and hit the <OK> button.



When touched will provide a list of 5 empty locations. The Empty locations are listed in Location -> PutAway Sequence. 

The Search Icon allows you to search for an Item.

 The Set Home Location Icon allows you to set a Location as a Home Location for an Item. 


The Start Over button will clear whatever you have scanned/searched for. 


The History button will show the previous 5 scans. 

Note: Pull, Put, Move, and Bulk Move buttons are controlled by permissions. Your operations may not have all buttons configured. 
To configure Manage Inventory, go to Admin->User Groups->Manage Inventory.