Create Locations

If Pick Path is purchased then a WOS team member will generate the locations for a customized Pick Path in the warehouse. Locations can also be generated by a User through WOS's Location Generator. Locations can also be created individually as needed. To create a Location:

  1. Go to Maint -> Locations
  2. Click Create New
  3. Enter the information requested
    • Name: WOS has a standard location configuration that is formatted as Row-Bay-Tier-Slot and is typically 4 numbers with dashes in between to help Users easily identify the name of a location ex. 1-2-3-3. See Location Configuration for a more in depth explanation.
    • Display Name: If you would like the Location to display a different name than the one that conforms to the WOS Configuration, that can be entered here. 
    • Location Type: This is critical to how the location can be used. See Location Types for an explanation of the types. 
    • Zone: Select the Zone in which the Location is located. 
    • Putaway Zone: Not used. Leave blank. 
    • Area: Select the Area in which the Location is located.
    • Pick Sequence: This is how the Locations are sorted in the picking app, to walk you through the warehouse in an efficient path. 
    • Allocation Sequence: This is the order that Locations are considered for allocation. For pick locations, it should be set to 10, Backstock to 100. 
    • Putaway Sequence: This is normally set to 0, but can be used sort locations in the Putaway app if you'd like the Receiving team to walk the shelves differently than the Picking team. 
    • Row, Bay, Tier, Slot: See Location Configuration for a more in depth explanation.

Creating Locations with a CSV file

An efficient way to create Locations is by uploading a CSV file.

  1. Go to Admin -> Import/Export Records
  2. Export the Headers Only file so you can see all the information that is needed.
  3. Enter your new Location information into that file
  4. Save the file as a Coma Separated Value (CSV) file
  5. Upload to WOS
  6.  See Import / Export Records for a more in depth explanation.

Location Types

There are 5 location types in WOS. Pick, Ship, Receive, Reserve, Hold, and Backstock. Each Location has specific uses and performs differently.

  • Pick
    • Pick is the default Location Type and is intended for Locations where Orders will be Picked from.
  • Backstock
    • Backstock Locations are used to indicate sections of the warehouse that are not intended for Picking, but Orders can still Allocate and Pick from these Locations.
    • These are usually Locations higher up that hold Cases of Items that will later be Replenished into the Pick Face.
    • Orders Allocate to these Locations based on assigned Allocation rules. 
  • Reserve
    • Reserve Locations are used to indicate sections of the warehouse that should not be Allocated to, but otherwise hold good inventory. 
    • To use the Inventory held in Reserve, the Inventory should be moved out of Reserve and into either a Pick or Backstock Location. 
    • The Location Override option during picking will allow for a Reserve Location to be selected and Picked from.
  • Hold
    • Hold Locations are used to indicate Inventory that is truly unavailable or quarantined.
    • In the Inventory Summary report, inventory in a Hold location is reported in the Hold column and removed during the calculation of "Available Quantity."
  • Replenish
    • Replenish Locations are used to stage Inventory during the Replenishment process. 
    • These are typically assigned to carts or pallets used to transition the items during Replenishment.
  • Receive
    • Receive Locations are intended to be used as a temporary place Items are staged during the Receiving process, until the PO Putaway is performed and adds inventory to another Location.
  • Ship
    • Ship Locations have no specific purpose in the system. They can be used to designate Locations for a specific purpose outside of other types available.

Setting Location Types

Location Types will normally be set by WOS when the Locations and pick-path are created. If the Location type needs to be changed or a new Location needs to have its Location Type set, that can be done from the Location Grid. 

  1. Go to Maint -> Locations
  2. Select the Location 
  3. Scroll down to the Action Menu drop-down and select Set Type from the Type section
  4. A new Type drop-down will appear, from there, select the Type to be set to the Location
  5. Click Save Selected


Location Actions

In WOS Manager a User can perform multiple actions to set Areas, Zones, request Cycle Counts and other actions. 

Go to Maint -> Locations to view locations and perform any other actions.