The list of available pages can be expanded or hidden by using the menu at the top left of the page.

Setting and Identifying Filters

A select number of filters are made available through the Filter panel on the right side of the screen.  

Available filters are displayed in a light green color.  When a filter has been set and is applied to the data, the filter changes to a dark green.

Note: The Target Metrics in the Live Dashboard are set as "Filters on all pages" so they can be set once and displayed on both the Outbound Operation and Pick/Pack screens.
Because they are set on "all pages", every visual within the workbook will show these filters as being applied, even though they don't actually apply to most filters.

This Filter panel can be collapsed when not being used.

Cross Filtering

Selecting an attribute on a visual will perform a cross filter to the other visuals on the same page.  This can allow for a deeper view into metrics.  The visual that was clicked will highlight the selected value.  Clicking on that same value will turn off the cross filtering.

Some visuals have been setup to only highlight the data instead of filtering the visual to show only that data.  Some visuals have had the cross filter effect disabled.  This allows for visuals like the weekly data to be maintained while still allowing some cross filtering where it felt appropriate.

The image below shows Cross Filtering the Reason Code to show when in the day that particular reason code was made.  The Hourly graph highlights when that Reason Code was performed instead of filtering the entire graphic.  The Total Adjusted number is being filtered to show the specific details.

Additional Options on each Visual

At the top right of each visual are a number of options to enhance the analytics experience.  If these options are hidden by some other object, like a visual-specific filter, clicking on the visual will pull up the options.

Drill Up and Down a Hierarchy

Some visuals have been setup with a hierarchy to view the data at multiple levels.  Power BI has multiple options for drilling into these levels

Note: Because the Live Dashboard is meant more for display, some of the drill down options have been disabled for simplicity.

The Drill Up or Drill Down options only appear on reports where it is available.

Drill up to the highest level to see both options for drilling down into a report.  Drill to "Next Level" to see year-over-year by quarter, month, or day.  Drill to "Expand all down one level" to show a trend over time.

Tables of data might have an option to drill on either the column or the row.  In the example below, drilling on the column will show things by quarter then month.  Drilling on the row will show specific processes like PackOne or Verify

Pin the visual to Custom Dashboard

A custom display can be created by pinning visuals to a dashboard.  Visuals from multiple reports can be pinned to the same dashboard to mix and match the visuals that are most important for your operation.

Note: Pinning to a dashboard is not available for Tier 1 customers.

Copy Visual

A visual can be copied so that it can then be pasted into other programs.  The copy contains details of the visual and a timestamp of when it was taken.

Applied Filters

The Applied Filters will explain which filters have been applied against the visual

Personalize Visual

If you are familiar with Power BI, the Personalize option will allow for the visual to be changed for the logged in user instead of editing the base file.

Focus Mode

Focus mode expands the visual full screen.  This allows for a more detailed review of the data within the specific visual.

More Options - Share, Comment, Export Data

A side menu allows for more options that can be used to add comments to visuals, export data, and share the report, among other options.