Replenishment is performed in 3 separate steps.  This article focuses on the first step, creating the Tasks for needed Replenishment.

Creating Replenishment Tasks

There are 3 ways that replenishment tasks can be created in the Work Queue

Tasks created by Picker flagging the Item

  • During the Pick operation, a Picker can tap "Replenishment" to create a Replenishment Task for that Item.
  • Replenishment Tasks show the Backstock Location to Pull from. Because this is based on the pickface quantity getting low, a specific Location is not assigned in the Task and must be set from the tablet when the Task is assigned.
  • These are considered the highest priority Tasks because Users are noticing that quantity is low and they need it to be Replenished.
  • A counter on the Work Queue Task shows how often Pickers have requested that Item be Replenished.

Auto-Replenishment Tasks

  • When a Pick or Pull updates the quantity in a pickface Location below the set Pickface Min Qty, a Task can be automatically generated.
  • Replenishment Tasks show the Backstock Location to Pull from. Because this is based on the pickface quantity getting low, a specific Location is not assigned in the Task and must be set from the tablet when the Task is assigned.
  • These are medium-priority Tasks. The system determined a need, but Pickers are not yet asking for it.

Replenishment Report

  • The Report can be used to identify Replenishment needs in bulk and create Tasks.
  • How to identify the Backstock Locations can be assigned when the Report is run.
  • Tasks are created with a Location and Quantity.
  • These are considered the lowest priority Tasks since they are typically scheduled based on both current and future needs.

Replenishment Report

  1. In WOS Manager, go to Inventory-> Replenishment and select the Planner Tab
  2. A “Replenishment Planning Options” screen will pop up
    1. From here, first choose which type of Report to create
      1. Select the Pickface Need Calulation Type
        1. By Zone will calculate pickface quantity based on items in zones marked as "Enable Replenishment".
        2. By Home Location will calculate pickface quantity only in Locations set as the Item's Home Location.
        3. By Area will focus on refreshing Backstock inventory from another Area.
        4. Manual will focus on the specific Zones and Areas that are selected. 
      2. Filters on the Pick or Backstock Zones will limit the calculations to only the Zones selected.
    2. Choose how to calculate the Needed Qty
      1. Open Orders will include all open Orders that need to ship within the designated date range.
        1. Provides details on what needs to be Replenished for open Orders.
        2. Date Range provides filter to exclude Orders that don't need to ship soon.
        3. Date Range is based on the Order's Ship Date value.
      2. Open Batch will include only Orders that are currently Batched.
        1. Provides details on what needs to be Replenished for the Batches about to be Picked.
    3. Select the Backstock Depletion Strategy
      1. Minimum Quantity focuses on emptying Locations to make room in the Warehouse.
        1. Select the Backstock Location with the smallest quantity to empty the Location and provide room for other Items
      2. Age of Inventory focuses on a FIFO approach
        1. Select the Backstock Location that was created first to get the oldest inventory brought forward and Picked
      3. Lot Number focuses on lot-based Replenishment
        1. Lots are sorted by Expiration Date in ascending order and the first Lot Number is then selected
          NOTE:  If the system setting "Default Lot Expiration to Created Date" is turned on, then sorting by the "Expiration Date" will put the oldest captured Lot at the top of the list and be selected.
    4. The result size can also be adjusted. 
    5. Click “Run Plan”
  3. The Replenishment Planner will now be populated
  4. Filters and sorts can now be applied to the report
  5. Highlight the tasks to be created and click “Save Selected” or click “Save Filtered” for tasks filtered within the page to create the Replenishment Task


Manage and Assign Replenishment Tasks

From the Work Queue, all outstanding Replenishment Tasks can be viewed, the grid can be filtered, Tasks can be assigned to a device, the sequence of Tasks can be changed. 

Assign to device

  1. In WOS Manager, go to Inventory-> Replenishment and select the Work Queue tab
  2. Filter the Tasks appropriately
  3. Select the Tasks to assign them to Devices
  4. From the Action Menu, select Assign Device
  5. An additional dropdown menu will appear next to the Action Menu from which the device can be selected
  6. Click “Save Selected”

Change Sequence

  1. In WOS Manager, go to Inventory-> Replenishment and select the Work Queue tab
  2. Filter the Tasks appropriately
  3. Select the Tasks to change the priorities
  4. From the Action Menu, Select Priority
  5. An additional field will appear where Priority can be set
  6. Click “Save Selected”