Cell Picking allows a User to pick from a condensed location grouping. The User downloads a batch of orders that can be fully picked from the locations in the Cell. The Orders are presented one-at-a-time to be picked out of the condensed locations and then immediately packed.

Cell Selection

Group Options determine if Cell Picking is an available app. Upon opening the app, the User will be asked to confirm which Cell they are picking from. If there are any Batches assigned to the associated Cell Group, a Batch will be downloaded to be picked from the tablet.

The User is presented with a list of orders that are included in the Batch. The Batch name and Cell are displayed above the list of Orders.

There are two options for the progress of picking Orders.

  • Auto-Next
  • Scan Next

Auto-Next will automatically progress the User from the top of the list, moving first through all the lines in an individual Order until that Order is completely picked, a pack confirmed, then advancing to the next Order.

Scan Next will allow the User to scan an Order Number to identify the next Order in the Batch to be picked. This can be useful if all the labels associated to the Batch are bulk-printed and the printer is setup to only print one page at a time. The Order Number can be scanned from the label and allow the printing operation to dictate the flow of order progress.


Tapping on an Order or scanning an Order number will start the picking process. The User is presented with the familiar pick verification screen that identifies the Location, Item, and quantity.

As each line on the Order is completed, the screen will automatically advance to the next order line.


When all lines on the Order are picked, the User will be presented with a confirmation screen to complete the Order. This screen does not require any additional scans or verification. It serves as a clear break between Orders so the packing processes can be completed. The completed order lines are presented and can be used as a visual verification if needed.

When packing is complete and the User is ready to move on to the next Order, tapping Complete Order will mark this Order as completed and either auto-advance to the next Order or wait for the scan of the next Order Number.