WOS Fulfillment is the name of the new mobile application developed for the iPad. This app is referred to as WOS Fulfillment in the documentation and on the app store. It directly interfaces with WOS Manager and is not operational on its own without WOS Manager. 

Note: WarehouseOS is transitioning from the current iOS app WMS Fusion into a new iOS app WOS Fulfillment. Over time, all processes will be ported into this new app.  Until that transition is complete, both apps will be needed to perform all operations.

Download the WOS Fulfillment App

  1. Ensure a system administrator has established an Apple ID and provided access to the App Store
  2. Make sure the iPad is connected to the internet
  3. In the Apple App Store, search for WOS Fulfillment
  4. Select the latest version and install the app

Configure the App

Review the Devices documentation for how to configure and register the device with WOS Manager


After the device has been configured the initial user can log in and register the device in WOS Manager.

Note: The user must be created in WOS Manager before being able to log in through WOS Fulfillment. Review the WOS Fulfillment & Operations Users documentation explaining how to add users.

  1. Touch the Login button at the bottom center of the key
  2. Enter the Passkey setup when the desired user was created
  3. If the passkey was correct and the user is logged in, it will display all the apps available to that user
  4. To logout, tap the profile button in the upper right corner, then tap Logout

Adjust Keyboard Settings

Because scanners are connected to the iPad as a Bluetooth keyboard, all of the iPadOS auto-complete functionality can affect the input from the scanner. To control this effect, we recommend turning off these keyboard settings on the iPad. The location of these settings can change. But they are typically found under General -> Keyboard.


As an example, with all of the keyboard settings turned on, scanning a barcode that said "Unitech" into the Notepad app auto-corrected to "Unite him". With all of the keyboard settings turned off, it scanned properly as "Unitech".

Dark Mode

WOS Fulfillment has been designed to allow for use of Dark Mode.  Dark Mode can be enabled in the iPad settings