The following details provide insight into the upcoming progress for WarehouseOS.

Look at the What's New page, which is our most recent release notes, for details on what has been newly released.

What's New

See the page on the WOS Fulfillment app for details on what is currently available in the new app.

WOS Fulfillment - the New iOS App

In Progress

These features have been scoped and are currently being developed.  Timelines are not hard set, but are typically released in the next 2-3 months.

Major Features

Receiving and Putaway

A rewrite of the Receiving and Putaway will follow the inventory updates.  Some potential features include

  • Implementation of the Sub-Location feature during Putaway
  • Allow multiple putaways for the same item in the same received location to be performed in one step
  • Receive multiple POs at once so a truckload of multiple POs doesn't need to be fully organized before receiving can start
  • Create a Put-wall type of receiving so that items can be more easily organized into bins by aisle
  • Auto-close POs when everything is received to simplify back-end PO views

These new features will only be available in the new WOS Fulfillment App.  The current WMS Fusion App will not be updated as part of these updates.

Minor Features

Batch Build Beta

A new Batch Build page will split some logic to make it optional.  Calculations for Full Order Zone or Cell Batching will only run when requested.  
Splitting this logic allows for new queries that can help delay allocations until after the batches are created.  More details on this approach will be coming soon.

Upcoming Roadmap

These features are next in line.  They have not been fully scoped and features are subject to change.  Timelines have not been set but will become more clear once the In Progress features have been released.

Granular Sub-Locations

Sometimes inventory needs to be segmented even further while not dividing up physical locations.  An implementation of sub-locations will compare to bin or LPN implementations by allowing a more granular inventory tracking when necessary. Sub-locations can provide a work-around to the WOS requirement of 1 Lot # per location.  It can also keep more granular records of inventory created dates. When a sub-location is added to a location, the sub-location must be provided to adjust or pick inventory to ensure the right inventory is edited.

Inventory Status

Sometimes inventory needs to be put on hold while issues are reviewed and resolved.  WOS currently has Hold as a location type, but it requires moving inventory or changing location types.  A new feature will allow specific inventory records to be set as Inactive.  Inactive inventory can't be picked or allocated against.  This will also fire off triggers that can be used in the integration to update other systems of the new status.

Other Inventory updates.

  • Use of the Work Queue will expand to being able to schedule Moves or Pulls.  Identify seasonal inventory that needs to be move out of the pick face, or quality issues that need to be pulled out of stock.  Create tasks in the work queue and users can pull these up in the app to complete the inventory updates.

These new features will only be available in the new WOS Fulfillment App.  The current WMS Fusion App will not be updated as part of these updates.