The Open Orders report is part of the Live Dashboard.  It is updated frequently to show progress of orders throughout the day.

Review the General Use document for tips on how to use Power BI to its fullest.

Order Numbers and Orders Left to Pick

The top of the page shows a quick overview of the progress.  The numbers do not always match up and understanding their calculations can help explain why.

  • Total Orders - This is a calculation of all orders that are being pulled into the 'Open Orders' report
    • Orders that were either created, picked, or packed "today" are always included in that number
    • Orders that are not yet marked "closed" as far as the integration status is concerned.
    • Orders that are not yet marked as Packed within WarehouseOS
  • Created Today - This shows how many orders were created today
    • The difference Total Orders - Created Today shows how many orders were considered "open" in the system when the day started
  • Not Picked - Orders that are still not yet marked as being Picked
  • Picked Today - The total number of orders Picked today
    • This is calculated from the History Log and will match the numbers provided on the Picking pages
    • Orders that were Picked and then Reset and Picked again could have an impact on this number
  • Packed Today - The total number of orders Packed today
    • This is calculated from the History Log and will match the numbers provided on the Packing pages
    • Orders that were Packed and then had a box opened and Packed again could have an impact on this number

For additional insights into how to break down these numbers across the current status of open orders, see the Integration Status section.

Orders Left To Pick

This is a visual display showing how many of the Total Orders are still Not Picked.  This visual does not take Packing into account but instead is a representation of how many orders are sitting in the back-end waiting to be picked off the shelf.

The more red that is seen indicates more work that needs to be performed.

Ship Today and Priority Ship Filters

Ship Today Filter

As orders are pulled into the WOS Insights data, they can be tagged as needing to "ship today".  As an example, "all orders from Shopify that are placed before noon" could be a requirement.  This means that any Shopify orders from yesterday and any orders placed before noon today will be flagged as needing to "ship today".  Other orders from other channels may not have the same requirement.  Changing that filter can show the progress on orders that need to go out today, vs all other orders in the system.

Please work with to get this determination set correctly.

Priority Ship Filters

When Ship Methods are pulled into the WOS Insights data, there is a default check that marks them as whether or not they are Priority methods.  If the ship method contains the words "expedited", "express", "priority", or "rush", then the ship method is marked as a "Priority" method.  The Ship Methods Not Picked can be filtered to only show orders that have a Priority ship method, helping to make sure the most important orders have been processed.

There is not yet an interface to the WOS Insights data that allows self-service on these attributes.  If you have other ship methods that you would like to be marked as Priority, but they do not contain these key words, please reach out to for assistance.

Open Order Visuals

Three visuals on the Open Orders page show the current status of open orders, broken out by different metrics.  For all three visuals, the legend is the same.  

Sales Channel Not Packed

When Orders are pulled into the WOS Insights data, a Sales Channel can be determined.  This visual can then show which sales channels are associated to the open orders.

If there is a field within WarehouseOS that could be used for the Sales Channel attribute, lease work with to get this field setup.

Pick Methods Not Packed

Orders are broken out by Cart Type and Pick Method.  This can help identify where open orders are in the process.  By displaying "Picked" orders in this visual, it can help the team know which cart types have orders waiting to be packed.

The screenshot below shows that the 6x5 cart has 114 orders currently being picked and 322 orders Picked and waiting to be Packed.  Seeing the Hold status in the legend means that at least 1 order is set to Hold, which can be seen as part of the Single Pick data.

Open Order Aging

This final visual does not show orders Picked and not Packed.  Instead it focuses on orders that are Available, Hold, or In Process, showing how old these orders are.  The Orders' Created Date is used to calculate how old the order is and can help determine that all orders within a certain age range have been picked.

The initial example visual showed most orders being created "today" (showing 0 days old) with only 1 order over 30 days.

This example shows that some orders within the past 3 days have not yet been started and are still "Available"
While 62 orders that are 1 day old are In Process, 30 orders that are 1 day old are still Available, etc.

Integration Status

The Integration Status visual is most helpful for customers that have WOS pushing fulfillments back to their host system.  Within WOS, once an order is Picked, and then Packed, the order is considered complete.  The Order Progress and Status report in the Data Grids section can provide additional details on orders that are still open or picked or packed on certain dates.  But otherwise, a Picked order is considered a Completed order.

An Integration Status field on the order in WOS can help determine when further integration is needed, after the order is Packed within WOS.  This visual then helps to identify orders that have been fully integrated and orders that need to be reviewed.

Once orders are Packed, they are considered a "Potential Error" until they are integrated and fully closed within the integration.  This column could indicate a batch of orders that was just packed, waiting to be integrated.  But if this column doesn't seem to be moving on, or if there are potential errors in the morning, it could be an indication that some orders aren't being synced.

The screenshots above show that the Total Orders number is 1628.  The numbers in the Integration Status visual add up to 1628, showing how that number is broken out.

There are 69 orders that have potential errors.  This could be throwing off other calculations because if these orders don't get resolved, they will appear in the "Total Orders" number tomorrow.

Picked Order Details

The Picked Order Details page shows all orders that have not yet been marked as "Closed" by the integration.  Individual order details that are Available and Picked will be included.  Orders that have been Packed and not yet integrated to the host system can also be found.  Initially, this page was intended to help resolve the issues with orders getting stuck.  The page includes all orders not yet "closed" so that if an error happened after Picking, like the order never got Packed, it could still be visible and reviewed.

This view provides a few visuals that can be used to filter the list of order details.  Each order contains a link back to the order within WOS, making it easier to open the order and do further review if needed.