WarehouseOS is proud to use Power BI, a leading analytics and visualization platform, to provide analytics for the warehouse.  WOS Insights is a separate platform.  Data from WOS Manager is extracted and transformed to allow for efficient reporting.  This also offloads the analytics and other processes so they do not have any conflicts with or impede daily warehouse operations.

WOS Insights Live Dashboard

WOS Insights provides a live dashboard that can be displayed in the warehouse.  It includes summary details and user metrics throughout the day.  It also includes details on open orders to watch progress as they move through the operation. The dashboard is set to refresh and show updated data every 15 minutes.  At the manager level, the dashboard can be reviewed for the past 7 days to see how users perform over the last week.  

View the WOS Insights - Live Dashboard page for more details on what is included.

View the WOS Insights - Displaying the Live Dashboard for ideas on how to rotate through multiple pages to display the Live Dashboard in the warehouse.

WOS Insights Historical Analytics

In addition to a live dashboard, other files and reports that include historical data are also available.  Access to the Historical files is found through the Power BI Workspace that is created and dedicated to each customer.  While the Live Dashboard only allows access to 7 days of data, usually 1 day at a time, the Historical files will provide long-term access to the years of data available while using WOS.  

View the WOS Insights - Historical Analytics page for more details on what is included in the Historical Analytics

Note: The deeper analytics using historical data is still in development.  New reports will be published and made available as they are developed.


Data Structure and Function

The History Log is extracted and transformed into a structure consistent with Data Warehouse methodologies. The data is initially loaded into a set of tables intended for the daily dashboard. Having a separate table for the initial load makes the dashboard tables efficient enough for more real-time reporting.  This process will run and refresh data every 15 minutes.  Future plans include reducing this refresh to every 5 minutes, while keeping it cost-effective.

Currently, a separate process moves this data into long-term storage, making it accessible for the Historical Analytics files.  This process is run multiple times a day and is coordinated with a Power BI refresh schedule to make this data available.

A nightly process extracts more data from WOS Manager to enhance basic details in the dimension tables. This allows for deeper analytics of all data.

WOS Insights makes per-hour calculations based on timestamps captured as transactions are completed.  See the WOS Insights - Per Hour Calculations page for more details on the assumptions being made to make those calculations work.


Access to WOS Insights requires a Microsoft login with a Power BI license.  The license requirements depend on the size of the data that is being stored for WOS Insights.  For smaller data sets, a Power BI Pro license will be sufficient.  When necessary, a Power BI Premium Per User license can be purchased.  The cost of these licenses are detailed here.


WarehouseOS Support will share the workspace with any accounts requested.  If those are not already Microsoft account, you will be requested to create a login.  Creating the Microsoft login is the first step; without the Power BI license applied to that login, the user will not be able to access any shared Power BI content.

If your company already uses Microsoft, you can add the Power BI license to your users within the Azure portal.  Payment for these licenses will be handled through your Microsoft billing.

If needed, WarehouseOS can provide the license.  1 license can be included as part of the monthly cost of WOS Insights.  Additional licenses will be sold at a passthrough on the Microsoft pricing.

Licensing and Cost

WOS Insight has a separate cost from WarehouseOS. Contact your sales rep or [email protected] for a full demo and pricing.