The Admin -> Settings screen lists the global application setting and their current values. Edit the settings as appropriate and click Save at the bottom of the screen.


Field Labels

Allows you to add or update Custom Field Labels.

Display Colors

This page lets you set and adjust color codes for WMS Fusion. You can enter background and text colors for different item

Locked Configuration

Configuration Settings in the Locked Configuration Tab are view only settings but can be configured by WarehouseOS support. To edit these settings, send an email to for assistance.

  • Cell Pick Batching - Enables Cell Pick for use in picking and packing orders confined to cell.

  • Track Lot Inventory - Enables Lot tracking on inventory.

  • Allocation Method- Current algorithm for how inventory is allocated against orders. The default and most optimized is Inventory.

    Note: Allocation Method can be dependent on system configuration. For example, systems configured for cases must use the Case Algorithms. For more details on Allocation, see Order Allocation

  • Use Location Type for Allocation and Allocation Location Type - If the UserLocation Type for Allocation flag is set then the value in the Allocation Location Type will dictate which Location Type will be looked at by allocation routines 

  • Re-Allocate Unknowns - Orders/Batches are dropped to the iPad without attempting to allocation the Unknowns on the order(s).
  • Enable Automatic Replenishment Tasks - Replenishment tasks are automatically added to the queue when inventory drops below the items configured minimum.
  • Old PO Approval - Automatically approves PO Receipts so they are available for Putaway, instead of waiting for them to be reviewed and approved.

Validation Patterns (Regular Expressions)

Regular Expressions are used throughout WarehouseOS to validate a scan against an expected format. Regular Expressions can be customized to your needs but must be updated by WarehouseOS support. Send an email to for assistance in customizing these settings.

Defined Pattern Settings

  • Enable Item Regex - Requires that Item Numbers fit withing the Item Regex pattern
  • Item Regex - Item Numbers must fit withing the defined pattern, if the Use Item Regex setting is enabled
  • LocationRegex - Locations must fit withing the defined pattern
  • Cart Regex - Carts must fit withing the defined pattern
  • Lot Regex - Lots must fit withing the defined pattern
  • Date Regex - Any dates scanned must fit withing the defined pattern