The integration with Channel Advisor is fairly standard and provides all of the flows needed for a complete integration.

Order Management

Order Download

Orders are downloaded based on their updated date.  Additional filters when checking for orders could include

  • List of ProfileIds
  • Shipping Status
  • Payment Status
  • Orders assigned to a specific DC

Bundles are split out and typically the bundle component is brought to WOS to be picked.  

Order attributes like tags, site name, shipping methods, and notes are often included.

Order Updates

WOS doesn't currently allow orders to be updated once they are created.  Orders must be deleted and resubmitted.  But orders get locked once they are batched and an integration can't delete these orders.  This makes any attempt at an automated order update potentially inconsistent.  

Most customers have decided that manually deleting orders to ensure they can control the process is a better approach than an automation that might not always be successful.


After an order is picked in WarehouseOS, the picked details are pushed back to Channel Advisor to create a shipment.  This can happen at the time of Picking or Packing.  WarehouseOS recommends performing this operation at Packing.  If an integration between WarehouseOS and a Shipping system is setup, tracking details will be gathered so that the Shipment created in Channel Advisor includes those details.

Shipments are created per line so that only picked quantities are reported back to Channel Advisor, leaving any unpicked items to remain open.

Inventory and Inventory Integration

Items setup in Channel Advisor can be automatically downloaded into WarehouseOS.  Images, Aliases, and Attributes are typically included in the item downloads.  The Attribute values can be mapped into WarehouseOS.

Inventory Adjustments

Adjustments in WarehouseOS can be pushed up to Channel Advisor to make the same adjustment in that system.  The item's Id is required to make the adjustment in Channel advisor.  If the Id is not stored in WOS, the item will be looked up in the Channel Advisor API to find it. The sku value must be unique for that lookup to be applied.

Channel Advisor allows for either a Set or Adjust operation against inventory.  WarehouseOS will almost always perform an Adjust operation so that the inventory moves in the same direction as it moves in WOS.

Inventory Reconciliation

Current inventory levels can be downloaded and compared to WarehouseOS inventory in a custom Inventory Discrepancy report.  This can help identify issues where transactions weren't synced or differences in the systems occur.

Integration Options

Area to Location Integration

Multiple Areas in WarehouseOS can be linked back to a DC in Channel Advisor.  Adjustments made in WarehouseOS will make an adjustment in Channel Advisor against the matching DC.  Movements in WarehouseOS between two different Areas can result in matching adjustments in Channel Advisor to replicate that movement of inventory.