Inventory Planner can provide additional PO capability if the main Host system doesn't provide that functionality
Purchase Orders
PO Download
Purchase Orders are downloaded to WarehouseOS so they can be received against. A date range search is performed to identify POs based on created, modified, or expected dates.
PO Receipts
As items are received against a PO in WarehouseOS, these details will be pushed to Inventory Planner to create Receipts against the PO. The PO in Inventory Planner is reviewed and the new received quantity is updated. These updates isolate new receipt quantities that can then be pushed to the connected eCommerce systems through the Inventory Planner Integrations
PO Receipts in are typically created against a PO Putaway record in WarehosueOS. This is a reflection of when items in WOS were put on the shelf and created inventory, instead of when they were "received" at the warehouse.
Additional automation is possible to send the Stock Updates to the eCommerce system. The WarehouseOS integration will read all of the stock updates not yet synced and then make an additional call to Inventory Planner to push those Stock Updates to the eCommerce system.