The Packing app allows a user to pack an Order into one or multiple boxes for shipping. As inventory is packed it is removed from the Cart, eventually freeing up the Cart for reuse.
(Because the WOS Fulfillment app has been designed for use in Dark Mode, screenshots will be in either mode.)

Note: The Packing process in the WOS Fulfillment app has some differences and feature enhancements compared to the WMS Fusion app. Those differences are highlighted with blue markers throughout this document

Typical scenarios:

  • Batch Picked Orders
    • Pack a Batch of Orders from a single Cart. 
    • It is highly recommended that the Batch is completely Picked prior to starting Packing.
  • Single Pick Orders
    • Pack a Single Order spanning multiple Carts at multiple Packing stations.
    • Pack a Single Order by Cart.
    • Pack a Single Order without a Cart.

Packing App Concepts:

  • Only one Order may be Packed into a Box.
  • Multiple Carts of the same Order may be Packed into the same Box.

Note: The WMS Fusion app tied a Box to a specific Device; the Box could only be opened and Packed on that Device.
The WOS Fulfillment app does not have this restriction. All Boxes on an Order can be accessed on any Device. The User must use caution to not open a Box being Packed on another Device. 

Any Batch or Order can be scanned into Packing. It is recommended to start Packing only after the Batch or Order is fully Picked. Lines that are not yet Picked will not be able to be Packed into a Box.

Start Packing / Order Scenarios

When the app is opened, it will expect a Cart or Order to be entered.

What is entered will result in slight differences in the way the orders in the Packlist are presented.

Picked Status

  • Fully Picked - A green circle with a check indicates the order or cart has been fully picked.
  • Fully Picked w/ Short Picks - A green circle indicates the order is fully picked but that there are short-picked lines on the order.
  • Partially Picked - A yellow circle half-filled indicates that the order is only partially picked and might not be ready for packing.
  • Not Picked - A red circle with an X indicates that no lines on the order have been picked.

Single Picked Orders

An Order can be single Picked in multiple ways

  • Entire Order picked to a single cart
  • Order picked across multiple carts
  • Order not picked to a cart

A Single Pick Order can be pulled into Packing by scanning/entering the Order Number or any of the Carts that were used to Pick the Order. If the Order was Picked across multiple Carts, all of the Carts will be displayed.

If the Single Pick Order is not fully Picked, the lines will be separated to show the lines Picked against a Cart and ready to be Packed and the lines not yet Picked.

To advance to the Pack Out screen, scan a Cart or tap to select a line.

Batch Picked Orders

Scan the Cart associated to the Batch to pull in all the Orders on that Batch. The list of Orders on the Batch and their assigned Compartment will be displayed.

To advance to the Pack Out screen, scan a Compartment or tap to select a line.

Pack Out an Order

Packing is done one Order or Cart at a time. Regardless of the initial scenario, the Pack Out screen will show the Order Lines associated to the record selected in the previous screen.

Order Details

On the top right of the screen is a menu that can be opened to display the Order Info, Order Notes, or the Order Barcode.

If the setting Force Show Order Notes is on, then the Order Notes will automatically display when entering the Pack Out screen and will need to be acknowledged by the Packer to be cleared.

Order Info

Order Notes

Order Barcode

The first button on the left shows the number of documents in the WOS Print Queue associated with the order. Tap on this button to open a list of documents associated to the Order.

Note: See the Ship Label Integration documentation for details about ways that shipping labels are generated.
If the Order is supposed to pre-generate a label, 0 documents means the integration has not yet completed. That integration could be completed during Packing, but this detail in the Packing app will not automatically update. Tapping on the button will pull up current documents and refresh the list.

Swipe on the line to enable the Reprint option to trigger a specific document to tagged for printing.

Box Creation

The second and third buttons are related to Boxes and Box Creation. The second button shows the number of Boxes created for the order. The plus sign button will create a new Box.

When the Order is first pulled into the Pack Out screen, if a Box is not already created for this Order and there are Order Lines Picked and available to be Packed, the first Box will be automatically created.

To add additional Boxes, tap on the plus sign at the top of the screen.

Create Shipping LPN

For the purposes of packing, a Shipping LPN and a Box label are synonymous.

By Default, a Box Label is automatically created and assigned to the Box when it is created. A general system Setting can be turned off that will stop automatically generating this number and will instead ask the User to provide it as each Box is Opened.

Box Type Selection

If the setting "Require Box Type Selection" is turned on, the Box Configuration menu will automatically pop up. If a UPC value was configured on the Box, it can be scanned into Box Code to select a Box.

Custom dimensions can also be entered and used on the Box.

The selected Box Config settings will be shown above the Box. This section also shows the calculated weight of the Box and all Items scanned into the Box and the Box Label as the last value (in the image below, 3114-001).

If there are multiple Boxes open on the Order, the first button will open a "quick change" to select a new Box to be the Active Box.

Box Management

Tapping on the Box button at the top of the screen will open a Box Management screen.

Note: The WMS Fusion app listed all Boxes in a scrolling list at the bottom of the Pack Out section. The WOS Fulfillment app removes the scrolling for multiple Boxes and puts them in a screen that should be easier to manage.


If the group setting "Allow Box Reopening" is on, closed Boxes can be reopened from the app. Mark the Box as Active and then choose to Open the box.

Note: The WMS Fusion app did not allow Boxes to be opened from the app. To maintain this feature if desired, a setting allows for this feature to be turned off in the new WOS Fulfillment app.

Pack Lines

Once a Box is active, Items can be scanned to pack them into the active Box.

An item will be Packed into the active Box when the Item is scanned or the line is tapped. 

If Require Item Validation is turned on, each scan or tap will pack a qty of 1 into the box.

If Require Item Validation is turned off, selecting a line will pop up keyboard to enter a quantity

If Require Item Scan validation is turned on, tapping a line item will be disabled. The Item must be scanned to be Packed.

If the User Group Setting "Enable Pack all" is on, an option at the top of the screen can be used to Pack All open lines into the active Box without scanning each Item.

Lot or Serial Recording

Items can be flagged for Require Lot or Require Serial. A corresponding User Group Setting for Require Lot or Require Serial will require the lot be provided when these Lot/Serial required items are scanned.

A Lot number is required for each Qty entered. If the setting "Require Item Validation" is turned on, a Lot will be requested for each Item scanned, because each Item scanned packs a quantity of 1 into the box.

If the Item is flagged to Require Serial, a separate popup will ask for a Serial Number for each quantity entered, regardless of other settings. Serial Numbers differ from Lot in that each individual Item should have a unique Serial Number.

If the Enable Pack All option is turned on, a single popup will require a Lot or Serial entry for each Lot enabled item.

Unpack an Item

If an Item has been Packed and it needs to be Unpacked or moved to another Box, a swipe on that line within the active Box will enable a Delete option to move the Item back to the top of the screen and allow it to be Packed at a later time.

Closing Boxes and Completing the Order

Once all of the Items are Packed, the Boxes can be closed and the Order will be marked as Packed Complete.

Individually Close Boxes

Close each Box individually as the Box is Packed or at the end by activating each Box and closing them.

Close All (Pack All option)

If the User Group Setting Enable Close All is on, an option at the top of the screen can be used to close all Boxes in one action.

If the User Group Setting Close on Pack all is on, then using the Pack all option will automatically close all the open Boxes.

 Scan Next Compartment

When Packing a Batch Pick Cart, a Compartment can be scanned to advance the current Pack Out screen to the Order in the scanned Cart. If the User Group Setting Enable Close All is on, this action will also close all of the open Boxes and mark the Order as Packed Complete.

Report Issues

Order Line level issues that are caught during Packing can be reported from within the Packing app. This process asks the User to provide a Reason Code and quantity related to the issue. A record is then added to the History Log so it can be reported on later.

This can be helpful in reporting issues with picking where a quantity was missed, the wrong Item was Picked, or Items are mislabeled. Reports from the History Log can be run to track these over time.

When Packing Lines, swipe on an unpacked line to report an issue.

A popup will ask for the details of the issue.

Setup Reason Codes in the same way that Reason Codes are setup for Manage Inventory functions by following the details here: Reason Codes.

Short Packing

By default, this only reports an issue by logging it into the History Log.

If the group setting Allow Short Packing is turned on, then this action will also edit the Picked quantity of the Order by removing the reported quantity. This will allow the Order to be Packed Short, without correcting the problem Items.